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About Masculine and Feminine: Toward Integration

Writer's picture: Monica CanducciMonica Canducci

Updated: Dec 11, 2023

(Video below) The exploration of the complexities of women's experience is a challenge for the women who experience it daily, and often also for those around them.

The controversies between those who advocate gender equality and those who emphasize the differences between men and women are numerous: sometimes the differences are considered valuable, but often they are emphasized in discriminatory or disparaging ways. From jokes to incidents of violence against women, from slogans against patriarchy to reactions in the name of distorted feminism, it seems that our society is still far from a constructive approach to these issues.

In the context of various spiritual traditions, a distinction emerges between Feminine and Masculine energy, which are considered complementary and unique. Feminine energy is described as receptive, compassionate, calm, oriented toward nurturing, listening and caring, cyclic and intuitive; Masculine energy is considered active, strong-willed, impetuous, action-oriented, conquering and achieving, linear, and logical. These attributes do not emphasize or suggest any superiority but emphasize the complementarity of characteristics.

Even within Astrology, the Zodiac Signs and Elements of Nature are classified as Masculine and Feminine. However, this does not imply that women should embody only feminine characteristics and men only masculine ones. The aspiration for spiritual realization requires the integration of both aspects in each individual, regardless of sexual orientation, the gender (sex) one belongs to and the gender one identifies with.

It would be essential to respect the equal rights of men and women while honoring the substantial differences that characterize men and women at the structural, anatomical, biological, and physiological levels.

The female hormonal cycle, with its phases and fluctuations that seem to reflect the Lunar and Seasonal phases, is a tangible example of biological differences.

In fact, the cyclical essence of women's energy, characterized by specific hormonal fluctuations, is clearly distinguished from the more linear and uniform nature of men's energy.

To recognize and integrate the aspects of Masculine and Feminine, we must first recognize the difference between the complex dance between estrogen and progesterone in a woman's monthly cycle, and the daily fluctuations of testosterone in men. While the testosterone cycle for men is circadian, that is, similar to the Solar cycle over the course of a day (its level in men rises in the very early morning hours, then falls), in women the interplay between estrogen and progesterone reflects the complexity of the Lunar phases over the month.

Understanding, respecting, and honoring these cycles and differences is crucial to aspiring not only to complete spiritual fulfillment of the individual but also to living in harmony with one's fellow human beings and Nature.

The progress of our civilization in recent centuries (dizzying in recent decades) has been remarkable through technology and innovations, greatly accelerated communication, travel, the pace of production and life, and much more. At the same time this approach, very "masculine" in that it is "all action," that is, goal-oriented without care for consequences, has led to unsustainable exploitation of Nature.

Moreover, our bodies are not designed to support the rhythms of life created by ourselves and imposed by our lifestyle. If the inability to respect natural rhythms causes physical and emotional symptoms in human beings, the inability to harmonize our needs with natural resources results in environmental symptoms: on the one hand, we watch women "denaturalize" themselves to adapt to "masculine" rhythms, and on the other, we see climate change and environmental disasters proliferate.

But to react to all this with slogans such as "let's tear down patriarchy" is a paradox, since violent and direct action once again represents the extremes of so-called "masculine" energy, the very energy we perpetuate by nurturing an action-centered lifestyle that gives little room for listening.

Psychophysiology teaches that eliminating dysfunctional habits requires the construction of functional alternatives, which must occur before change can take place. The transition to a model in which Masculine and Feminine are in balance, as are humanity and Nature, must first take place internally, educating each individual in awareness of and respect for natural rhythms.

Understanding the menstrual cycle, a reflection of the phases of the moon and the seasons, offers women an incredible opportunity for growth, as do men. Understanding and honoring these cycles enables women to navigate life by embracing their nature, and for all humans to live in harmony with respect for each other and Nature, of which we are a part.

Each phase of a woman's life, including menopause, has precious gifts to be revealed and that every woman should learn to draw upon.

Women should not perceive the need to eliminate the characteristics of their femininity, hormonal fluctuations included, and compete with men to succeed (or even just "equal opportunity"), as once again competitiveness is an exaggerated aspect of masculinity. Creating a balanced model of society does not imply flattening and eliminating differences: it implies understanding and respecting these differences to use them functionally and constructively.

The transition to a more functional model of society can only begin with the consciousness and awareness of the individual, for the construction of functional alternatives to the existing model -alternatives that will allow today's dysfunctional structures to be peacefully dismantled.

The integration of Masculine and Feminine is a path of self-exploration, personal growth, and social transformation. Understanding and integrating these aspects of Nature leads to a deeper connection with one's essence and the world around, contributing to individual and collective well-being to ensure the world not only continues to evolve but more importantly, right now, to survive. Here below you'll find a video recording of my webinar "The Sacred Body", dedicated to the presentation of my book (you can find the book HERE). I invite you to watch it to experience practically a glimpse of what I wrote above. Enjoy!



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