Why a School for Embodied Mystic Arts (EN - IT)
Italian below/Italiano in fondo What do Dragons and Unicorns have in common? I love to think about them as guardians of invisible...
Why a School for Embodied Mystic Arts (EN - IT)
About My Spiritual Journey (EN - IT)
Make A Wish with the New Moon in Aquarius (EN - IT)
New Moon, New Year: Happy Regeneration! (EN - IT)
Winter Treasures - Meditation & Activation (EN - IT)
Winter Solstice 2020, Meditation & Activation (EN- IT)
About Truth and Freedom - New Moon in Sagittarius (EN - IT)
Can Astrology be misused? (EN - IT)
An Invitation to Self-Knowledge (EN-IT)
Autumnal Equinox - Winds of Change Meditation (EN- IT)
A reminder from the Moon (EN - IT)
A Fire Ring around the Solstice (EN - IT)