I just celebrated my 60th birthday.
Someone suggested that I should call it the “6th Level.”
Someone else mentioned it’s a “Diamond Jubilee.”
Who knows. I don’t feel self-conscious or proud of my age—nothing to hide, nothing to brag about. I’m just grateful I made it this far.
Nothing is taken for granted, nothing is obvious, everything is a gift. Every breath, every heartbeat is a gift. Every wrinkle is a gift. Death travels with us from the moment we come to this world, dwelling within us. We don’t know our expiration date—and even if I could choose to know it, I wouldn’t.
I don’t pay obsessive attention to numbers, even if I love them and feel they carry symbolic meaning. But somehow, I feel this birthday is like a milestone. I don’t feel like a lady in her 60s, honestly. I feel like an ageless sparkle of Life that sometimes feels 150 and sometimes 15 years old. Maybe being short matters; maybe it makes me feel younger (I’m not sure why). Maybe it’s my “Dancing Fairy” side. Or maybe it’s the chilly Canadian weather.
Anyway, maybe it’s not a coincidence that I finished writing a new book, "In The Master's Way", just in time to celebrate my sixth decade of life — it’s my sixth book on the market. I wrote three more books before the self-publishing era, but they are no longer available. I didn’t plan to write it; it just happened.
It's about my spiritual journey, and how the meeting with a Sufi Master changed my life for the better. If you want to know more, here is the link to purchase it: https://www.amazon.com/Masters-Way-Memorable-Moments-Master/dp/B0DRT53CCW/ It’s been a while since I stopped setting goals because I prefer to flow through life and let the inspiration flow through me. I don’t have plans for the future — even if there is a new show knocking at the door of my inspiration, and I guess I have to honor it. It’s a one-woman show—or maybe a one-woman-and-a-ghost show, or maybe a one-ghost-and-a-woman show (if you read my book "To the Afterlife and Beyond" you might have an idea of what I'm speaking of… ). We will see. Anyway, to give credit to what I’ve done so far, I thought it would be nice to honor my writing side by showcasing my books here, as I did on my Facebook wall. Here is a link to the webpage dedicated to them, so if you’re interested, you can read more about each one (I paste the full link here too: https://www.monica-canducci.com/books )
My books are somehow my legacy because I have poured into them all the blessings I have received and everything that has helped, supported, nourished, and regenerated me in this journey through life, making me feel lighter, happier, healthier, more aligned, and (hopefully) wiser. "In the Master's Way" speaks of divine love, non-judgment, acceptance, open-heartedness, and blessings. It is also a reflection on the traps laid by the ego, always at work to create chaos and disharmony, and offers insights on how to recognize and navigate its challenges.
You can enjoy this book regardless of your beliefs, religion, or the spiritual path you follow. It is my humble attempt to share with all of you all the gifts I received — whether you are already walking a spiritual path or still searching for one, no matter where it may begin.